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You have my Attention, Now What?

 Gender Relationship(s) Commentary of Age and… Age and Gender relationship commentary. As a young parent, I had an interesting observation of one of my four sons in Kindergarten.  It was parents’ day and the parents were invited to take part in the children’s classroom lessons. The teacher had arranged a …

Relationship Stress

This does not mean distress Are you living a Life of Dreams or has Familiarity Bred Contempt? Jessie J – Who You Are Why do women like the tall, dark, strong, silent, handsome type of man (or whatever your preference)? Why does the man’s eye wander at the sight of …

Realizing Value

We have a saying in Chiropractic Above-Down, Inside-Out Subluxation is an interference of this flow of creative expression. As above, so below …

Your Mail: World Guide and Health Report

What are you doing with your mail?… …Books, Magazines, Journals, Reports, News, Internet, YouTube, E-Mail, Movies, Entertainment, Friends & Family…The information that …

Body Burden: Clinical Details

The road to recovery has begun cognitively with your knowing that you don’t know.  You are going to make and reach a …

A Thought About Pain

Or An Unconscious Thought…Provoking Pain It has occurred to me that only the innocent have pain and suffering. Everybody has had pain; I …