Chiropractic Tips for Postural Awareness & Energy
Exercise to do while sitting at your desk at work! It will help improve your postural awareness, and give you energy throughout the day.
This blog is dedicated to all my patients who have, and have not, heard me inform, describe, and demonstrate for them…the simple…
Qi Gong Rock
Remember when you were 3 years old sitting on your bum..walking across the floor, forward and backward?
Practice this as an adult every night so your pelvis and all its parts, know how to do this again
Like riding a bike, you never forget…only the feeling you have forgotten
At Work
At work sitting on the edge of your chair on your sit bones, you begin the stationary ‘cheek-on, cheek-off” rock (Chi-Gong Rock)
Nobody has to even know what you are doing!
Repeat 5 – 25 times, until your pelvis & back muscles relax and you regain proper posture ( i.e. spinal alignment in regards to gravity)
Spare yourself the ‘brutality’ of my treatment…it will help you have a NICE treatment on your next regular chiropractic visit 🙂
That means no surprise, early, acute treatments 🙁